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Family Law

Guide on How to Handle Domestic Violence Cases and Charges

Family law in Florida is similar to divorce proceedings in other states. The only difference between the Florida family law system and other states is that family courts are located within each of the state’s fifty-two counties. Family lawyers in Florida assist their clients who are experiencing a divorce or considering a divorce, or both. For more information visit

Family Law Florida

Florida divorce law requires that each spouse be well-informed about the divorce process and all of its implications. This means that each spouse needs to obtain as much information as possible about the divorce. In the divorce process, the court will require certain information from each party involved in the divorce. The family lawyer will file with the court for each spouse. The divorce attorney will assist his/her client with the divorce proceedings.


The Florida family law firm strives to ensure that its services are offered to clients free of cost. This is done by providing quality legal services to its clients. Florida divorce law is complex. It may also include issues such as child custody, spousal support, child support, property settlement, and other relevant issues. A divorce attorney can represent clients on these and other relevant issues through litigation if that is what the client needs.


The divorce process begins with a divorce attorney filing for the divorce. The divorce attorney will work with his/her client to determine whether or not there are grounds for divorce. Grounds for divorce must be established by the competent judge in a family court. This means that the judge must determine that both parties are unfit to continue living as married. A judge will usually grant a divorce when there is sufficient proof that the parties are not able to continue living as husband and wife. If either party is able to prove that they are fit to divorce, the divorce process will then move forward towards a divorce.


The divorce process also involves the filing of divorce papers. These papers will serve as a final decree of the divorce. Once the divorce papers have been filed in the court, a notice of divorce will be published. This notice will specify that a divorce process has been initiated and the date the divorce process will move forward. In Florida, divorce procedures can be started either by the parties themselves or by any other third party, such as a lawyer or anyone the parties hire for the divorce process.

Florida divorce attorneys can be sought after to help individuals achieve a divorce. Florida divorce attorneys can be found online with the help of a search engine. The first step in seeking the services of a divorce attorney would be to begin looking for a family law attorney. A person can contact local divorce attorneys through the state bar association. Florida divorce lawyers can be found online as well.

Tax Law and Procedures

Tax Fraud- How to Avoid Charges in Court

Tax fraud is a crime, which if not detected and dealt with can result in heavy tax penalties being levied on the offender. These tax fraud penalties can range from large fines to jail time and in some cases liens on one’s assets can also be imposed. Tax fraud can take many forms and there are various ways in which an offender can be charged for tax fraud. Some tax crimes include: filing false tax returns, willfully filing false tax claims, using the dead tax return as security for another tax debt, filing improper tax returns, using a tax coupon or a tax refund address stamp to avoid tax liability, using an unauthorized tax refund advance and any state tax refund liens.

Tax Fraud Penalties


Because tax fraud is such a vast field of crime, many different types of crimes can fall under this broad heading. Criminal tax fraud penalties can include jail time, heavy fines and in some cases, even heavier penalties. If your tax evasion conviction triggers jail time, you may be required to pay the remainder of your tax debt immediately and for a long time. In extreme cases, tax fraud can lead to irreparable harm to your ability to obtain credit and can result in substantial loss of property and possibly even freedom.


It is always important to be fully aware of the tax fraud penalties that are available to you when you are under investigation. For instance, one of the most serious tax fraud penalties that you could be faced with relates to statements that are false or misleading. Any statement that is willfully misleading can potentially land you in hot water. If you have instructed a driver to use a particular address for tax purposes, when it is known that this address is actually a tax fraud destination, this is seen as a false statement on your tax return. In this instance, you could be sentenced to jail time, fines, and even criminal charges. As a careful taxpayer, it is important to ensure that you do not make any false statements on your tax return.


The penalties associated with the various tax crimes can also be classified based on whether the conviction was state or federal. Federal tax crimes include such major offenses as tax evasion, perjury, conspiracy, tax fraud, asset forfeiture, and bankruptcy. Many states have harsher criminal penalties associated with federal tax crimes, but a state conviction can still land you in jail time. Some states offer early parole statutes which allow federal tax fraud offenders to serve time behind bars prior to applying for pardon or release from jail.


Once you have been charged with a tax fraud crime, it is important to seek the representation of a tax fraud lawyer. You will find that most criminal charges carry very significant fines and potential jail time. Even in instances where the fines are minimal, having representation on your side can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. A tax fraud lawyer can negotiate with the IRS to achieve the most advantageous resolution for you, said an IRS audit lawyer in New Jersey. They will also be able to help you navigate the complex tax laws so that you can maximize the tax deductions you’re eligible to take. In many cases, expert tax lawyers can represent you through the appeals process and can also represent you in court if the prosecution choose to go that route.

As you can see, there can be many consequences associated with willfully avoiding your obligations. Many times, a simple payment agreement or an education program may be all that’s needed to avoid jail time and hefty fines. However, in some cases, criminal charges are necessary to prove that you were willfully negligent in your financial affairs. If this is the case, it’s important to hire a tax fraud attorney who can help secure your innocence and get you through the toughest legal situation possible.

Tax Law and Procedures

Guide on How to Handle Tax Evasion and Fraud Cases

Tax fraud is the deliberate evasion of the repayment of taxes, usually by failing to provide correct information or omitted parts of documents from your tax returns. This occurs much more frequently to individuals who are self-employed or own small companies. The tax code is very complicated and the deductions and credits can be bewildering. One slip up can result in a huge tax debt. It is far easier to pay a small amount of tax than it is to accumulate a mountain of it.

Most tax fraud occurs when someone tries to avoid or delay filing their tax returns. There are several ways in which this can happen. Many tax professionals will offer tax education classes for clients to help them better understand how to avoid the complications that tax filing can cause. It is a good idea to use the services of a tax attorney, because they will have the appropriate background and expertise.


Because tax fraud has grown in severity over the years many state governments have implemented tougher penalties for tax fraud. Individuals face jail time or fines if they are found guilty of submitting incorrect tax returns or of tax evasion. A tax lawyer can be helpful when you need tax relief because he or she will be able to prevent you from being charged with tax fraud. A tax lawyer will also be able to make sure that you receive the largest tax refund possible.


The penalty for tax fraud and tax evasion can range from large fines to years in jail. Those who choose to evasion or hide assets may face decades in prison. It is not uncommon for people to flee the country rather than face years in prison. Many tax evaders seek refuge in the Caribbean or other offshore islands. It may be to their benefit to avoid paying taxes in the United States.


virginiataxattorney.netThere are a number of ways to determine whether you may be a victim of tax fraud or tax evasion. The IRS will not ask for an upfront consultation regarding your tax liability. The IRS is not out to hunt down those who do not owe what they say they do. The agency only pursues individuals who refuse to pay taxes on their initial consultation, in spite of the fact that they are legally required to pay them.


In addition to seeking an upfront consultation, taxpayers should be aware that there are a number of civil actions that can be filed against tax fraud or tax evasion, said an expert from The Internal Revenue Service has special tax schemes and fines that are designed to stiffen tax liability. The most common tax fraud penalty is the payment of tax penalties. The fines associated with criminal tax liability can range from large penalties that send taxpayers directly to jail to smaller penalties that simply send taxpayers money. The IRS may also impose a large fine or criminal tax relief.

Tax Law and Procedures

Defense Tax Partners is here to end your search

There are many reasons why a business owner may need to hire a local tax attorney. Local tax laws and regulations vary from area to area and can differ greatly from city to city. For example, some areas have income taxes while others do not. When you are prepared to prepare your yearly financial statements for your business, you should consider whether or not your area has local tax laws and what you would need to be prepared for if you did need to file a state or federal return.


Hiring a local tax attorney can help businesses and individuals properly and quickly file their taxes so as to comply with both federal and local laws. If individuals or businesses miss their filing deadline, local tax attorneys may help file for the extensions in order to allow more time or even, worse, jail time if one missed the deadline by just a few days. The local tax laws and regulations are extremely intricate and can be very confusing for the average person. If you need help with any federal or state tax issues, you should consider contacting a local attorney who can provide valuable and experienced advice. For more information and legal tax procedures please visit this site at


The majority of local tax attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that they only receive a percentage of any money won in court. This is because most of these types of legal issues usually involve huge amounts of money and many legal cases can last years before the courts decide and settle. Therefore, the very fees a lawyer receives are usually small compared to the large legal fees involved in resolving these types of legal issues.


Many business owners also elect to retain tax attorneys offer professional tax resolution services. They represent the company or individual in a court case and attempt to resolve issues involving payroll, real property and commercial tax disputes. Often these tax controversies occur out of minor misunderstandings and often have nothing to do with the owner’s personal taxes. When faced with a tax controversy, it is always best to seek the assistance of a local tax attorney. Not only can these professionals provide guidance with the relevant laws and regulations regarding their area of expertise, they can also provide support throughout the legal process, as they are familiar with local court procedures and laws.


Some of these types of legal issues can include disagreements over unpaid payroll taxes. If employees are not properly paid for time spent working, the government can hold them liable. A tax attorney could negotiate a compromise agreement in which the employee will pay a small portion of the taxes owed. This could resolve the issue quickly and fairly, avoiding further legal troubles for both parties. In some other circumstances, the tax attorney could even represent the business in an audit situation. An experienced lawyer can also be helpful in reviewing documents and records that might contain information that can be used to delay or prevent the resolution of the dispute.


In most cases, it is not difficult to understand why tax attorneys are so valuable to businesses. From the beginning to the end of any tax return, they can advise clients on how to properly prepare their documents and save money. In the end, hiring local tax lawyers is usually the best way to protect finances. With their experience and knowledge, they can represent clients in both high and low income areas, allowing them to resolve any issues promptly and efficiently. They can also be very helpful in resolving issues surrounding audits and appeals.

Business Law

Guide in Choosing the Best Corporate Law and Small Business Attorney

For over one hundred years, the Natural Products Association has been a leader in the business community, working to protect the interests of the American consumer. This group represents all natural and organic products including; Flowers, Herbs, Crop Plants, Flowers, Landscaping, Fruits and Vegetables and much more. Because of this group’s many successful campaigns and the many products that have been saved by people using these products, it is no wonder that they are the leading force for business in this industry. Their business attorney in Chicago has years of experience representing businesses in the Chicagoland area.

Chicago's finest small business lawyerThey can help you with business proposals, and other legal issues that are involved with doing business within this particular law industry. Whether you are just a new business with no idea how to get started or a company who needs help figuring out the regulations and requirements for business within the Chicagoland area, this is the right place to start your search for a qualified lawyer in Chicago.


Many companies run into problems because they are unfamiliar with some of the terminology that they encounter when handling their business with the Natural Products Association. Some business people may even be unsure if they are required by law to deal with these issues. When they hire a business attorney in Chicago, they can make sure that all of these issues are fully taken care of, no matter what the nature of the business may be. You will find an experienced team of individuals who are willing to go over all of the legal issues that come up with any type of business.


The Natural Products Association has helped thousands of business people take advantage of the many benefits that it offers. If you are in need of a lawyer, you will want to make sure that you do not waste time trying to research everything on your own. By finding a good Chicago law firm that specializes in the Natural Products Association, you can be sure that you have a knowledgeable and helpful team that will help you through everything that you need to know. They can also help you figure out the legalities of dealing with the Natural Products Association as well.


When you are trying to figure out what business you should open up with, it is often helpful to get some advice from the members of the Natural Products Association. This is why finding a qualified business law firm in Chicago is so important. The professionals that work at these firms have years of experience dealing with all of the different issues that come up for anyone who wants to get involved in the natural or organic products industry. They will help you understand everything there is to know, and they can even help you figure out what the best options are for your business.


The benefits of working with a business law firm that specializes in this industry are numerous. The first thing that you will find is that the professionals that work there have a very good understanding of the types of products that you are dealing with. They will also have a very good idea of the regulations that govern the manufacturing and distribution of these products. You will be able to count on them to provide you with everything that you need to know, and when you do need them, you will be able to trust that your interests are being protected.

One of the benefits of dealing with a business law firm that specializes in nature business is that they are able to keep on top of any changes that may be going on in the industry. For example, new products are always coming out and there are always new environmental laws that affect the way that the products are manufactured and distributed. The more experienced business people at the law firm will be able to keep track of all of the latest information, which will help you make sure that your business runs as smoothly as possible. In the end, hiring the right business lawyer is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. For more information, click this link

Probate Law

Understanding the Difference Between Probate and Estate Planning

What is the Difference between a Probate and Estate Planning Attorney? While both estate and probate planning attorneys typically practice in the same field of the law, they do have some different differences. An estate planning attorney generally deals with the legal process of estate management after someone dies. An estate attorney will also help establish who will receive the deceased person’s property in the event of a probate court decision. In short, the probate and estate planning attorney will work to complete the formalities of how a person’s property will be distributed when that person dies. Visit for more information about probate and more.

There are certain characteristics that all probate lawyers must have in order to practice in this area of the law. For starters, any good estate or probate lawyer should be a certified public accountant. That means that he or she has been educationally certified and has passed the state bar exam. They should also have several years experience in a similar field as the client and be familiar with the local probate laws. Finally, any attorney in this field should be actively practicing in their field for at least three years.


Probate lawyers have a number of specialties that make them uniquely qualified to handle any probate process. In some states, probate lawyers can represent anyone who has questions about their estate or is in need of legal advice. Others may even specialize in a particular area of the law such as wills, adoptions, or probate settlements. This type of attorney can make valuable contacts with other attorneys who can be of assistance throughout the probate process.


In many states, a probate lawyer may also take on cases involving probate and intestacy laws. In America, intestacy laws are designed to provide the deceased person’s estate the money it needs to distribute his or her property and assets to beneficiaries. If intestacy laws are violated, the court can appoint an estate planner to oversee the distribution of the decedent’s estate. The probate court appoints an administrator to handle the decedent’s affairs until the probate case is settled. In some states, the probate judge can also appoint an estate planner to assist in making these decisions.


Probate according to can be very complicated for people who do not have experience in this area. If you think you are unsure of how probate works, contact an estate planning attorney as soon as possible. A probate lawyer will help you understand the entire process, answer questions, and guide you through the proceedings. This will help ensure that your wishes are respected and that your final wishes are met. This is one reason why it is so important to choose a probate lawyer who is experienced in this area.


Probate itself is very confusing. You need the help of someone who knows the ins and outs. An estate and probate lawyer can be your best friend in this process. If you are having problems finalizing your estate plan, or if you feel you may be the victim of inappropriate actions by a loved one, contacting an experienced estate and probate lawyer is your best option. There is no reason to put this process off. Contact a probate and estate planning lawyer as soon as possible to get all of the answers you need.

Tax Law and Procedures

What are the four specific tax relief programs provided for taxpayers?

Florida Tax Relief is a program established by the Internal Revenue Service to help taxpayers who are having financial difficulties to pay their taxes. The program was designed to encourage taxpayers to file their federal and state income tax returns without fear of penalty or interest being imposed. The Internal Revenue Code also contains some very specific requirements that qualify each taxpayer for tax relief, including the inability to owe more than half of your eligible income for one taxable event. You can learn more about Florida Tax Relief from a Florida tax professional or a tax-resolution professional. If you are in need of a tax resolution expert in Florida, Call Defense Tax Partners at (844) 907-1401 for a free consultation with a Florida tax relief professional now!



The four specific tax relief programs provided for taxpayers include: Offer in Compromise (OIC), Currently Not Collectible status, Extended Determination Period, and Currently Not Collectible status for corporations. Sales tax relief for January, February, and March only apply to small retail businesses having monthly sales average less than $ Feinberg Number Six. Minimum installment payments for the four OIC states are $100. Retail trade payroll taxes are not covered.


Offer In Compromise (OIC) tax relief is available to taxpayers who have missed two consecutive state income tax payments. For those taxpayers, the OIC pays the balance due for the four previous years. There is a catch: Only those taxpayers who miss three or more state income tax payments can qualify for the OIC. The IRS has an automated e-filing system that allows taxpayers to file their electronically. There is an option to pay the entire balance or make partial payments, which are reported on the taxpayer’s federal income tax return and are included in the state income tax relief application.


Hurricane Insurance Premium Tax Credit provides tax relief for taxpayers affected by hurricane insurance. Hurricane insurance premiums are non-refundable, but the tax relief helps offset the cost of the premiums. Hurricane insurance premiums paid to the insurance company are deductible from the total tax liability on the taxpayer’s federal income tax return. The premium tax credit is scheduled to end on April 1st, 2009.


Tax Relief for Estates and Workshops is a comprehensive solution designed to help taxpayers resolve problems associated with estate planning. Tax relief for estates and worksheets provide tax relief for dispositions made during a living trust or as a revocable living trust. Tax relief for estates and worksheets was scheduled to end on April 1st, 2009. For the 2009 tax year, estates and worksheets are only eligible for tax relief if they were prepared to use proper estate planning methods and within the tax laws. To be eligible for the tax relief, estates and worksheets must be prepared in accordance with instructions provided by the tax law.


Tax Relief – Social Security death benefit is indexed and has been increased from $1 million to over two million dollars for a maximum of ten years. In addition, tax relief includes a one time benefit for survivors of a deceased spouse, who do not receive a refund, and a one-time benefit for dependent children and qualifying dependents who do not receive a refund. The maximum benefits are provided to married people who do not have dependent children.


3 Things to Avoid Before Filing for Bankruptcy

How to fight business bankruptcy in Florida is a question that hundreds and thousands of people have asked themselves over the years. Unfortunately, Florida has some pretty shady business practices that can really throw a monkey wrench into the works when it comes to fighting a business bankruptcy lawyer. This can be particularly frustrating for you, as the owner of a business, looking for ways to protect your assets while also working on your debt and credit problems. If you’re wondering what is involved in this process, read on or visit

How to fight business bankruptcy in Florida


The first step in learning how to fight business bankruptcy in Florida begins with hiring a competent business bankruptcy lawyer. There are plenty of these types of lawyers around, but they are not all created equal. You need to find one that has experience dealing with the types of situations that you are facing, and that is especially adept at dealing with the kinds of debt issues that you might be facing. A good business lawyer will have a long history of winning cases for their clients, which will go a long way toward ensuring that you get the money you deserve from your creditors.


Next, you will need to understand exactly what business bankruptcy lawyers can and cannot do for you. A good business bankruptcy lawyer will have specific areas of expertise. For example, they may know how to fight your case in court and they may even be able to prevent your creditors from taking you to court. On the other hand, a bad business bankruptcy lawyer will not know the first thing about how to fight your case in court and may end up making things even worse for you and your business. This is why it is so important to hire someone with the right knowledge and experience.


Once you have hired a competent business bankruptcy lawyer in Florida, you can begin the process of fighting back. Of course, the first step is to determine the validity of your company’s bankruptcy; this is determined by an assessment of your debts, assets, liabilities, and payroll. After you have personally gathered this information, you should then prepare a detailed business plan. You should include a statement of personal assets and liabilities, a balance sheet, and an income statement. Having all of this information prepared and organized will help you when you are negotiating with your creditors.


Now that you have your business plan, you will need to hire a business bankruptcy lawyer in Florida who can represent you before the courts and the bankruptcy judge. It is important to remember that although this is a type of bankruptcy that deals solely with your business’ debts and its reorganization, you still must fight your case within the court system. Each creditor that you have is entitled to one meeting with you in which they can outline the debtors’ accounts and the exact amounts that you owe. If you are unable to come to an agreement with your creditors, then you should request a hearing from the courts. You will likely need the assistance of an attorney to make these meetings go smoothly and effectively.

The next step to learn how to fight business bankruptcy in Florida is to develop an operating agreement between yourself and your lenders. This will cover how you will repay the money that you owe, as well as setting up a payment plan and the terms of your repayment. You should also keep in mind that creditors do not have the right to seize your business or place it into receivership. If you can work out a repayment plan, you should strongly consider it if at all possible. Once you have established your repayment plan with your creditors, you will be on your way to successfully filing for bankruptcy.

Family Law

Family Law Attorney: Acting as Negotiator in Divorce Procedures

Role of Divorce Lawyers pertains to legal proceedings concerning a couple who has decided to separate peacefully and who are the subject of a pending divorce case. The role of these lawyers is to provide legal representation for their client and negotiate the terms of separation. In most cases, they are also the one responsible for collecting alimony payments. This would mean that they negotiate on behalf of their clients to ensure that they receive fair compensation for the services that they have rendered to their previous spouse. These lawyers also represent their clients in alimony proceedings, should the latter file for bankruptcy, said


fortmyersfamilyattorneys.comRole of Divorce Lawyers is also exercised in family law cases. As already discussed, divorce lawyers perform the role of negotiators in divorce procedures. They are the ones who mediate between the two parties to find an agreeable settlement that satisfies both of them. In the process of mediating, these lawyers also assist their clients with matters pertaining to divorce, settlement of properties, and child custody and alimony. Furthermore, they also play the role of expert witnesses, whose testimony in court helps their clients in winning their divorce case.


Role of Divorce Lawyers is also exercised in collaborative law cases. Collaborative law refers to family law wherein two or more parties come together to settle a particular matter, be it child custody or alimony. It is a collaborative process wherein both parties make their own requests to the court and then the court grants them based on its own preference. In collaborative law, alimony and child support is usually awarded to the former spouse by the court while the latter one pays child support to the other spouse. However, the court may also award custody to one spouse or the other depending on the situation.


The importance of mediation in divorce proceedings is often under-estimated because the participants are not given the chance to air their views before a judge and to present their case in front of the judge. For instance, in a collaborative law case involving minor children, the divorce lawyers will mediate the discussions between the parents and the representatives of both parties, and the mediators are the ones who ensure that both sides agree to settle the case before going to court. As the parties negotiate through the mediation process, both spouses try to arrive at an agreement that they think is best for them and their children; however, the mediator plays the important role in making sure that all the terms and conditions of the agreement are met. Moreover, because the mediator plays a key role in such cases, many divorce lawyers offer professional mediation services and guarantee that the outcomes adhere to the requirements of the law.


In the above cases, the participation of the mediator is essential so as to make sure that the divorce proceedings follow the stipulated rules and regulations of the court. Mediation in collaborative law allows both spouses to communicate and work out an agreement without having to go to court. This also enables both parties to save a lot of money on legal fees. Moreover, the divorce lawyers are often able to get a better deal because they can act as “third-party specialists” in such cases and therefore obtain good results.

The ability of collaborative mediation to bring both parties to the table, reach an agreement, lower attorney fees, and achieve a fair settlement rate are some of the many advantages of using this method of settlement. However, it is important to note that this is not a method that works well for everyone. If you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement, you may want to try a different method, or ask the help of a divorce lawyer who will provide you with proper advice regarding your case.


Tax Law and Procedures

Stages of Taxes: Levy, Assessment and Collection

Tax fraud is the intentional concealment of facts, either criminal or civil, that would affect the assets of a taxpayer. Tax fraud can include any of the following acts: knowingly concealing income; paying tax twice; structuring transactions to avoid tax; or using offshore bank accounts or other tax havens to evade tax. Tax fraud often involves taxpayers intentionally misrepresenting the status of their financial affairs to the tax authority, said tax attorneys serving in Arizona.


tax attorneys serving in ArizonaTax fraud is extremely complicated and the penalties for tax evasion and criminal tax investigation can be very severe. Serious tax crimes carry criminal tax evasion charges, while simple tax fraud might only result in financial penalties or a fine. In some cases, criminal tax investigations may result in prison time. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and its tax fraud investigators are constantly looking for new ways to cracking down on tax cheats. Recently, the IRS has developed a new tool, known as the tax fraud audit planner, which can help taxpayers with tax fraud and evasion cases.


Tax fraud occurs when someone commits a crime using a false statement or omissions. Federal criminal tax law punishes anyone who commits these crimes by using false information or omissions in their federal tax returns. These laws are extremely complex and are not readily understood by most taxpayers. Even most tax attorneys do not understand all the intricate details of the federal tax code. If you have been charged with or suspected of committing a federal tax fraud involving a federal tax return, you should immediately contact a highly experienced tax fraud attorney who is experienced with the complex laws regarding tax fraud and federal tax laws.


A seasoned tax fraud attorney can help you from being wrongly accused of criminal tax fraud or tax evasion. In recent years, the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and state tax enforcement agencies have dramatically increased their budget for conducting criminal tax investigations and cases. These agencies are now spending billions of dollars a year to conduct wide ranging investigations including bank accounts, property and other assets. Many times, taxpayers will be targeted for audits and criminal tax investigations that are based solely on suspicion. In many cases, the investigations end up being baseless and the taxpayer may even be innocent of any wrongdoing.


Unfortunately, in some instances an innocent taxpayer will be prosecuted for tax fraud and/or tax evasion. The majority of federal tax crimes are committed through payroll deductions, asset tax fraud, and tax avoidance schemes. Other crimes include: asset tax evasion, misrepresentation of income and expenses, false statements, non-filing of tax returns, tax haven accounts, tax evasion, tax fraud and money laundering. Some state tax crimes include: tax evasion, misrepresentation of assets and liabilities, tax crimes and fraudulently calculating income and expenses.


In some cases, victims of tax fraud and evasion may be able to recover some or all of their losses through civil tax fraud and injury attorneys. An attorney who specializes in tax crimes and can prove the innocence of the victim can obtain a large percentage of recovery through a civil suit. In some cases, victims may never recover any funds, while in others they may receive a substantial amount for their loss.


Because tax fraud and evasion are complex issues, it is wise to retain a tax attorney who has experience in defending tax fraud and tax evasion cases. A tax attorney may also work as an expert witness in criminal cases and help to build a strong defense for the defendant. Taxation attorneys represent wealthy people and extremely wealthy corporations. Because these tax lawyers are so specialized, they have the ability to obtain potentially huge awards in exchange for a settlement with the government.


Tax attorneys have many resources to help taxpayers keep out of tricky tax situations. They can advise their clients on tax fraud and tax evasion strategies, as well as on how to avoid becoming a victim of tax fraud and tax evasion. Tax attorneys and law firms can be very costly, but often represent a single client who will be footing the bill out of pocket for their legal services. Because tax fraud and tax evasion penalties are often very steep, many law firms and individual tax attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means that the taxpayer does not have to pay anything upfront and does not have to pay any fees until the case is settled. Click here to get a free consultation with a Tennessee tax lawyer.