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Family Law

How a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You

A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney is the best option for individuals who are facing serious financial difficulties. It is a type of bankruptcy that allows debtors to reorganize their debt over a period of time (usually three to five years) and repay some of their creditors through an approved payment plan.

The bankruptcy process involves several steps and if not followed correctly can lead to your case being dismissed or your debts not covered. It is important to hire an experienced bankruptcy attorney to guide you through the process.

Before filing, complete pre-filing credit counseling through a nonprofit credit counseling agency. This will help you understand your situation and develop a repayment plan that fits your budget.

Once you have the necessary information, file the bankruptcy petition and other paperwork with the court. You will also need to complete a detailed schedule of assets and income.

If you owe a significant amount of money on secured debt, such as your mortgage or car loan, it may be possible to reduce or eliminate these payments through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. Your bankruptcy attorney can assist you in developing a repayment plan that will satisfy both the secured and unsecured portion of your debts.

Your repayment plan will include a fixed amount of money that must be paid to the trustee each month. This amount will be based on the calculation of your income, assets and monthly expenses.

A portion of this payment will be used to pay your trustee and other administrative costs. The remainder will be used to pay your unsecured creditors a certain percentage of the total debt.

The percentage of your unsecured creditors you pay will depend on the size of your debts and what they are classified as. Some creditors are considered unsecured debts and can be paid a percentage of their value under the bankruptcy plan, while others are considered priority debts and must be paid in full under the plan.

Once your chapter 13 plan has been filed with the court, it will undergo a confirmation hearing. This is where the creditors and the bankruptcy trustee can object to the plan for a number of reasons.

If no objection is made, your plan will be confirmed and the bankruptcy court will then allow you to proceed with the Chapter 13. This is how you get out from under crippling debts and regain control of your finances.

At Dodge & Vega PLC, our Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys will listen to your situation with compassion and offer you a realistic assessment of your case. We have a thorough understanding of Arizona law and federal bankruptcy law and will work diligently to ensure you receive the most effective result.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in representing clients in Chapter 13, the most common type of bankruptcy in America. They have a comprehensive knowledge of Arizona bankruptcy law and can help you navigate the difficult and complex nature of the process.

Family Law

The Importance of Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer

If your child has been involved in a child custody dispute, hiring an experienced Child Custody Lawyer can help you protect your child. A skilled attorney can keep track of changes in the legal system and present your case in the best possible light. This can help you get the case resolved in the shortest amount of time.

Hiring a skilled child custody lawyer can also help you get your child’s visitation rights. A skilled Anaheim California child custody attorney can help you understand your rights and how to maximize them. Hiring a skilled attorney can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your child.

The first step in hiring a Child Custody Lawyer is doing research. You can search online or contact a law firm for referrals. If you don’t know of any attorneys in your area, contact the state bar association for recommendations. The bar association can help you find an attorney, but the process is time consuming. Once you find a lawyer that meets your needs, contact them and ask for a free initial consultation.

Hiring an experienced Child Custody Attorney will help you to avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your child custody and support decisions are fair. They will also help you to fill out legal formalities required by the court. You won’t have to waste valuable time preparing documents for court. They will also avoid unnecessary delays in the custody decisions.

When deciding who will get custody of your child, you’ll need the help of an experienced Anaheim CA child custody attorney. Your Orange County child custody lawyer will build a solid case and help the court make an informed decision. The court has a legal obligation to rule on your child custody case and protect their best interests.

An attorney has over 100 years of combined legal experience. The HB Law Firm’s attorneys have a combined experience of more than one hundred years. They are experts in the field of family law and divorce. Moreover, they will be able to answer any questions you may have about your case. Hiring a qualified attorney will help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you receive a favorable custody schedule.

A child custody case is one of the most contentious divorce issues in New York. Both parents want as much time with their children as possible. It can be difficult to meet their needs, but an experienced attorney will help you make an agreement that will benefit your child. In New York, judges try to consider the child’s best interest when making a decision.

When a divorce is looming, it’s important to hire an experienced attorney to handle the case. Not only can a lawyer help you get the best possible result for your child, but he can also help you navigate the complex legal system. Hiring an experienced attorney will help you avoid any mistakes that may affect your child’s welfare.

Family Law

Domestic Violence Attorney – Why Is It Highly Recommended?

Hiring an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney

If you have been accused of domestic violence, hiring an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney is highly recommended. A conviction can carry substantial fines and jail time, and will negatively impact your employment opportunities. Hiring an attorney with extensive experience in domestic violence cases will significantly improve your chances of winning your case and show the State that you are determined to fight the charges. Moreover, an attorney with experience in domestic violence cases will have an edge over other attorneys, which can be beneficial in defending you against the charges. To help you in your domestic violence case, you may visit

In addition to extensive experience, an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney will have a persuasive character packet for the prosecutor or judge to consider. The attorney will emphasize your good character and your lack of serious criminal history, which can help reduce or even dismiss the charges against you. A skilled Florida domestic battery attorney will fight for you with passion and expertise to ensure your rights are protected. A successful case means reduced or dismissed fines, which will mean better outcomes for you.

It is crucial to hire an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney as the prosecution’s case may hinge on “he said, she said” evidence. Even if the alleged victim wishes to recant, the prosecutor will pursue a conviction, despite the alleged victim’s wish to cooperate. Hiring an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney is your best bet when facing a domestic violence charge. He or she can make an aggressive case against the prosecution and successfully negotiate a dismissal.

Moreover, an experienced domestic abuse attorney will be able to get you a less costly bail and a no-contact order, if you are facing criminal charges. If the charges are filed in the absence of the accused, hiring an attorney who specializes in domestic violence cases will ensure your rights are protected and your best interests are protected. This can save you thousands of dollars in fines and incarceration. You should never face a domestic violence charge alone.

If the accuser is a false accuser, try to record all of your interactions with them. Save any written communications and keep any evidence of abuse for your attorney. You can also contact the accuser if you have the evidence. However, keep in mind that they might not be acting out of malice or attention seeking behavior. You may end up making matters worse by faking the details. Your attorney will use these facts to your advantage and help you prove your innocence.

If the charges against you are serious, hiring an experienced Domestic Violence Attorney is a good idea. They can help you challenge the restraining order and protect you from any future repercussions. Also, if you are accused of domestic violence, your lawyer can help you with the arraignment of the alleged offender. Your attorney will act as a bridge between the accuser and the courtroom, allowing you to avoid the legal consequences.