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3 Things to Avoid Before Filing for Bankruptcy

How to fight business bankruptcy in Florida is a question that hundreds and thousands of people have asked themselves over the years. Unfortunately, Florida has some pretty shady business practices that can really throw a monkey wrench into the works when it comes to fighting a business bankruptcy lawyer. This can be particularly frustrating for you, as the owner of a business, looking for ways to protect your assets while also working on your debt and credit problems. If you’re wondering what is involved in this process, read on or visit

How to fight business bankruptcy in Florida


The first step in learning how to fight business bankruptcy in Florida begins with hiring a competent business bankruptcy lawyer. There are plenty of these types of lawyers around, but they are not all created equal. You need to find one that has experience dealing with the types of situations that you are facing, and that is especially adept at dealing with the kinds of debt issues that you might be facing. A good business lawyer will have a long history of winning cases for their clients, which will go a long way toward ensuring that you get the money you deserve from your creditors.


Next, you will need to understand exactly what business bankruptcy lawyers can and cannot do for you. A good business bankruptcy lawyer will have specific areas of expertise. For example, they may know how to fight your case in court and they may even be able to prevent your creditors from taking you to court. On the other hand, a bad business bankruptcy lawyer will not know the first thing about how to fight your case in court and may end up making things even worse for you and your business. This is why it is so important to hire someone with the right knowledge and experience.


Once you have hired a competent business bankruptcy lawyer in Florida, you can begin the process of fighting back. Of course, the first step is to determine the validity of your company’s bankruptcy; this is determined by an assessment of your debts, assets, liabilities, and payroll. After you have personally gathered this information, you should then prepare a detailed business plan. You should include a statement of personal assets and liabilities, a balance sheet, and an income statement. Having all of this information prepared and organized will help you when you are negotiating with your creditors.


Now that you have your business plan, you will need to hire a business bankruptcy lawyer in Florida who can represent you before the courts and the bankruptcy judge. It is important to remember that although this is a type of bankruptcy that deals solely with your business’ debts and its reorganization, you still must fight your case within the court system. Each creditor that you have is entitled to one meeting with you in which they can outline the debtors’ accounts and the exact amounts that you owe. If you are unable to come to an agreement with your creditors, then you should request a hearing from the courts. You will likely need the assistance of an attorney to make these meetings go smoothly and effectively.

The next step to learn how to fight business bankruptcy in Florida is to develop an operating agreement between yourself and your lenders. This will cover how you will repay the money that you owe, as well as setting up a payment plan and the terms of your repayment. You should also keep in mind that creditors do not have the right to seize your business or place it into receivership. If you can work out a repayment plan, you should strongly consider it if at all possible. Once you have established your repayment plan with your creditors, you will be on your way to successfully filing for bankruptcy.